The morning of may 17,in the center of shaanxi province art museum's exhibition area,an activity called 

"public action" was held by the free lunch management  committee of cswf and other organizations together,

which raised contributions for the poor mountain children's free lunch by postcards bazaar.

   At  about 11 am,no sooner had the reporter walked in the B1 section of shaanxi province art museum

than he was attracted by the photos on the wall“it is only everone's charity contributions that  poor mountain 

children can eat hot free lunches.” Su jianan,one of this activity's volunteer,said to the reporter,who is a sophomore 

of xi'an technological university,the poor mountain children have had a free lunch consist of a rice、a dish and an 

egg  since free lunch  welfare project launched.

   In order to raise money, more than 700 volunteers from Xi'an Jiaotong University、Xidian University、

Xi'an Technological University、Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications and Chang'an University  

held postcards bazaar, each Postcard 3 yuan,to contribute all the money to free lunch fund and change 

the poor mountain children's health by actual deeds  .“although this activity continued only few days  , 

i hope more and more college students will join the rank of Volunteers to raise more money for free lunch.”

win two hours,more than 30 compassion public figures donated to free lunch.although the activity was postcards 

bazaar,most of them put the money into the donation box silently and walked out  without  postcards, which

 maked the presence of volunteers moved. It was reported that  yesterday 330 Free Lunches was raised in all。

 [Xi'an Evening News] [Author:zhong ying]   Translator: angel