人民网乌鲁木齐6月8日电 (罗继娜)新疆贫困地区的孩子们手捧热气腾腾的免费午餐,开心地吃着、满足地乐着、幸福地享受着。这些画面被定格在了一张张照片中。8日,6岁的陈星竹在父亲的陪伴下参观乌鲁木齐免费午餐公益行动派“小善大爱”公益影展,陈先生教导女儿要珍惜自己每日饭菜,不浪费,尽自己之力帮助需要帮助孩子们。People’s Daily Urumqi June 8 (Luo Jina)    Children in Xinjiang’s poverty-stricken area enjoy their free lunch happily. And all these lovely scenes are recorded in photos. June 8, 6-year-old Chen Xingzhu, accompanied by her father, attended the Free Lunch Charity Photo Show titled “Small donation, Great Love” in Urumqi. Mr. Chen, the father, taught his daughter to cherish food every day and try their best to help those in need.6岁的陈星竹在父亲的陪伴下参观乌鲁木齐免费午餐公益行动派“小善大爱”公益影展。6-year-old Chen Xingzhu, accompanied by her father, attended the Free Lunch Charity Photo Show titled “Small donation, Great Love” in Urumqi.公益行动派志愿者共唱免费午餐主题曲《饭》。当日,乌鲁木齐免费午餐公益行动派“小善大爱”公益影展在新疆科技馆进行,240余人观看的影展,并现场捐赠,周末两天共募集到1213余元。据了解,“免费午餐”公益项目由邓飞等500多名记者和国内数十家媒体联合中国社会福利基金会于2011年发起。倡议每天捐赠3元为贫困地区学童提供免费午餐。截至2014年2月,募款已达到8100万元,累计开餐学校为363所,分布于全国21个省市自治区,帮助超过78000个学生免于饥饿,享有免费午餐,更直接影响国务院启动实施农村义务教育学生营养改善计划,大规模改变中国乡村儿童营养状况。Theme song Food sung by volunteers from Charity Action team. The same day, the Free Lunch Charity Photo Show titled “Small donation, Great Love” was held at the Science and Technology Hall in Urumqi. Over 240 people visited the show and donated. During the weekend, 1213 Yuan was raised. It is acknowledged that the charity project titled “Free Lunch” was initiated in 2001 by Deng Fei and some 500 reporters and dozens of news presses in China together with China Social Welfare Foundation, a program that calls for 3-yuan donation each day for the free lunch of children in underdeveloped areas across China. By February 2014, the total sum of donation reached 81 million Yuan, the number of designated schools reached 363 distributed in 21 provinces or autonomous regions. The program not only helps relieve hunger of 78000 students by offering them free lunch, but also directly gives impetus to the launching of Rural Compulsory Education Students Nutrition Improvement Program by the State Council, a project greatly improves the overall nutrition condition of children living in the countryside.家长陪同孩子现场挑选义卖的明信片。 2012年12月,“免费午餐”项目正式落地新疆。据乡村校园志愿者发起人亚力坤·奥斯曼介绍:“免费午餐项目除了有国家的投资外,社会的力量、基金会的力量都对此项目进行资金的补充,这些摄影展真实的记录了新疆的贫困孩子们吃到免费午餐后的开心笑容,让参观影展的人们能够更多的了解到这些偏远山区的孩子,给他们一个好的学习环境,让他们健康、快乐成长。” 目前,新疆仅有吐鲁番市恰特喀勒乡中心小学其盖布拉克村庄子教学点一所学校获得免费午餐项目扶持。亚力坤很期待新疆有更多的学校享受免费午餐。他吐露,2014年免费午餐项目对新疆有所倾斜,项目申请已进入关键阶段,将会有两所学校获得批复。到年底,甚至会增加到三所学校享受免费午餐。在现场,志愿者为观影人群作解说。在新疆很多小朋友还吃不饱,越来越多的人能够关注这些小朋友,让他们们吃到免费午餐。“作为志愿者大家很热心。好多家长听说了这个公益活动,都慕名而来,或者打电话询问,捐助善款。”志愿者李宗恩说。Accompanied by parents, children chose to buy charity postcard.In September 2012, Free Lunch settled down in Xinjiang Autonomous Region. According to Yalikun Ausman, the advocate of rural campus volunteer: “in addition to national investment, social organizations and foundations all invest their money to Free Lunch. This photo show recorded the smiles of children after enjoying their free lunch and enabled the visitors to know about the living conditions of children living in remote mountain areas and help them to have a better learning environment and enjoy a happy childhood”.Now, only one primary school affiliated to Tulufan City Qiatekele Township Central Primary School in Qigaibulake Village was supported by Free Lunch. Yalikun expects more schools in Xinjiang could enjoy free lunch.According to him, in 2014 the Free Lunch Foundation gives priority to Xinjiang. Now the application is under appraisal and 2 schools are hopefully receive the approval. By the end of the year, there could be 3 schools approved. t the photo show, volunteers give explanations to visitors. Now, many children in Xinjiang still suffer hunger and more and more people are concerned about them and hope them to enjoy free lunch. “All the volunteers are very warm-hearted. A great number of parents came in person or expressed their concern by calling and donating after hearing about this event”, volunteer Li Zhong’en told us.