
As a volunteer, our time always runs so fast. We don’t even realize it was gone even after a long time. But some moments are captured in the camera, thus becomes the most beautiful influence in our lives.

On March 15, 2013, FLFC was filming its 2nd anniversary propaganda in Jingdezhen. Before filming it, the photographer from Shanghai had communicated with me about some details for filming. In order to sing the theme song in the propaganda fluently, my friends and I started practicing two weeks ago. So, all we were thinking about was a bowl of rice, a grain of rice and a smiling face…


  A bowl of rice, a grain of rice and a smiling face

The first day of filming took place on the way I usually take to go to work. To be honest, I was a little nervous facing camera for the first time. But by the encouragement of my groups and colleagues, I got over it.


On the way filming


Anan- leader in Jingdezhen of FLFC

For the second day of filming, we needed to get to Xuwan Elementary School. In order to show the power of our group, I invited some volunteers from Jiangxi Province to come over and join us with the filming. On the day to Xuwan Elementary School, Wu Yongjun and Guo Suihai from Nanchang, Mingyue from Jiujiang all joined us. The photographer filmed everything on our way there. Back then, it was the blooming season for rape flower. Many scenes were taken in the rape flower field. Facing the camera, we were nervous and shy. We had a lot of NG. But all of us expressed our true selves.






Anan- leader in Jingdezhen of FLFC

For the second day of filming, we needed to get to Xuwan Elementary School. In order to show the power of our group, I invited some volunteers from Jiangxi Province to come over and join us with the filming. On the day to Xuwan Elementary School, Wu Yongjun and Guo Suihai from Nanchang, Mingyue from Jiujiang all joined us. The photographer filmed everything on our way there. Back then, it was the blooming season for rape flower. Many scenes were taken in the rape flower field. Facing the camera, we were nervous and shy. We had a lot of NG. But all of us expressed our true selves.

Back then, the association of volunteer was not formed in Jingdezhen; and Wang Yuanyun was not the secretary. But as the oldest volunteer in Jingdezhen, she joined us with the filming in Xuwan Elementary School. In the kitchen, she, I and Mingyue prepared food together; In the classroom, we played games with the kids. After school, volunteer Xu Meiting and I followed the photographer to visit the exceptional poor families. Therefore, the camera captured the true scene of the volunteers of FLFC visited the kids.


FLFC Propaganda officially started


Preparing today’s Free Lunch


Playing Ping-Pang


Playing soccer


Game of EagleChicken


Giving gifts


Rock, paper, scissors

On the third day, we went to the office of Wang Yuchang, the designer of Niuniu, for filming. Also, we filmed the sugar painting of Tu Mingping.


Deng Fei & Wang Yuchang

In the three days of filming in Jingdezhen, we got up early and went to bed late. Every scene was not easily captured. During filming, we were tired but happy. When the scene of us playing with the kids was captured, the warmth was permeating through our hearts. Even after three years, when we look back at the propaganda, we could recall the moments spent with the kids.


Come and see your picture


Sweet smile


Playing happily with the kids while filming


Paper plane


Capturing our best moment

The moments captured by the camera, happened like yesterday.

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